Non Destructive Testing NDT

Safety and quality demands concern many things. Various institutions are responsible for different kinds of surveillance but in the last few years it has become more common that independent parties take over this role. Legal changes, the environment for competition and the demand on an independent, efficient surveillance calls for new work methods and new technology.

HD is among the companies that have taken on a surveillance role in past years. HD has a decade-long experience of ultrasound testing for thickness measurement of ships, oil tanks and steel constructions, to name a few examples. The company operates according to the latest demands and standards in surveillance. Great emphasis is placed on professional work methods and using the latest technology which has been certified and tested by the proper parties. Emphasise is also place on the digital registration of documents and traceability.

The standard on which HD’s non-destructive testing is passed is the EN 9712 standard. In the past year, HD’s employees have obtained increased qualifications in order to work according to the EN 9712 standard on carrying out non-destructive testing. They are mainly thickness measurements, magnaflux, magnetic particles testing, penetrant testing and welding testing with ultrasound.

Non Destructive Testing at HD
Gísli Arnar Guðmundsson
M: +354 844 0313

Crack search

Magnetic particles testing is a well-known method within non-destructive testing methods as it is very sensitive. It is especially effective with surface cracks but can also penetrate approximately 1-2 mm into the material and therefore detect cracks below the surface. HD has magnetic particles testing equipment. It is our policy that the employees who work on testing are trained and hold a certificate in the method used.

Penetrant testing er þekkt aðferð til sprunguleitunar.  Mikið notuð í flugvélaiðnaðinum enda fljótleg en árangursrík. Litaprófið er prófunaraðferð sem ekki eyðileggur yfirborð efnisins. Galdurinn að þessu ferli er háræðaverkun efnisins og framköllunarinnar. Skarpir litir koma fram við framköllun. Prófunin er aðallega notað fyrir málma. Ef það hentar getur litarefnaprófun einnig sýnt galla í plasti og keramik. Það fer eftir yfirborði efnisins hvernig litapróf skal tekið. Engin ein litaprófunaraðferð dugar á alla fleti. HD á allt til litaprófunar og hjá fyrirtækinu leitumst við að þeir aðilar sem vinna við mælingar séu með þjálfun og skírteini í þeirri aðferð sem notuð er.

Ultrasound inspection is one of the most common non-destructive testing methods as it is speedy and inexpensive. The most common method within UT is thickness measurement but it is also used for evaluating the condition of welding. Crack search on bolts and axles with UT is a very efficient method for finding cracks below the surface. HD has everything necessary for carrying out ultrasound inspection. It is our policy that the employees who work on testing are trained and hold a certificate in the method used.

Thickness measurement

Ships, fuel, and fish oil tanks must regularly be tested with detailed methods and that includes thickness measurements. HD has thickness measuring instruments and calibration blocks. It is our policy that the employees who work on testing are trained and hold a certificate in the method used.

Welding surveillance

When welding is performed there are many things that must be kept in mind. There is a certain protocol which must be followed regarding the welding process and standards, technology and equipment used. Certifications and diagrams must be at hand and the process monitored during and after welding. Inspection should not only take place afterwards; it is equally important before and after the welding. But what can be inspected if no welding has been performed? A checklist must be followed and there are many items that must be checked off. Most of these items fall under the responsibility of a welding inspector but everyone should be involved in the process.

It is our policy that the employees who work on testing are trained and hold a certificate in the method used.

Metal elemental analysis

HD has chemical analysis tool for analysing metals. The tool utilises LIBS technology and is capable of analysing the following metals: C, Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, W (carbon, aluminium, silicon, titanium, vanadium, chrome, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, niobium, molybdenum, wolfram).

The metal chemical analysis is useful for:

  • Confirming a metal type for a retroactive design
  • Confirming the chemical certificate for metals
  • Quality control, for example to confirm types of metals provided by suppliers

Metal analysis at HD
Illugi Njálsson    M: +354 867 0636

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