Pump service

Dæluþjónusta HD hefur verið starfrækt síðastliðin 27 ár. Starfsmenn HD geta útvegað dælulausnir fyrir veitur um allt land og fylgt verkefnum frá upphafi til enda. Veitufyrirtæki reiða sig á okkur því þau vita að þau geta treyst á fagleg vinnubrögð reyndra starfsmanna, frábæra þjónustu og mikla þekkingu.

Project manager, pumps
Helgi Gústafsson
M: +354 896 9708

Test pumping in boreholes

HD has a test pump which can be placed in boreholes. By using it, one can see how the hole will react during pumping which makes it easier to choose exactly the right pump for each hole. The pump has a real time recorder which registers information on the water level in the hole, the temperature of the water when it goes into the pump, the pump’s power requirements and other information concerning the pump’s condition.

Pump repairs

HD evaluates the condition of pumps with the goal of choosing the most beneficial option for customers. We make budgets on repairs and take care of the overhaul of all pumps and pumping equipment and ordering new equipment when necessary.

Test pumping of surface pumps

HD has evaluated the condition of surface pumps with test pumping and is in the process of constructing a pump test bench with a vibration monitor, flow meter and pressure gauge. That way we can arrange most pumps and estimated their condition before they are repaired .

Installation and overhaul of pumping equipment

HD takes care of the Installation and overhaul of pumping equipment, both shaft pumps and high-voltage pumps. Our employees have taken part in approximately 300 projects involving the installation of pumping equipment. 

What are you looking for?

HD notar vefkökur m.a. til að bæta upplifun og greina umferð um vefinn.