
Core values of HD

  • Safety

    • We always put the safety of our employees first. We keep our composure and effortlessly maintain our perspective at all times, thereby ensuring the operational safety of our customers. We look thoroughly at the big picture before we act. Safety is our priority and encompasses the physical and emotional safety of our employees as well as operational safety and informational security.
  • Honesty

    • We treat our colleagues, our customers, and the environment in which we operate in with respect. We are trustworthy, treat others with honesty and deliver on promises. We are honest and say things as they are, but we are also positive and reasonable and treat people how we want to be treated. We stay true to our values and provide each other with guidance when necessary.
  • Service spirit

    • We are ready to help and listen to the needs of our customers, colleagues, and business partners. Our service to customers and each other is our priority. We strive to deliver value to customers in the right place, at the right time, in the right quality and at the right cost. Delivering excellent service requires teamwork and willingness to help each other.
  • Professionalism

    • We remain professional at all times and our experience and knowledge allows us to guarantee our customers the best solution available. We share our experience with each other and constantly develop our people's competence to ensure a high level of professionalism. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and strive to get things right the first time. We promote a culture of continuous improvement and help each other do better together.


Health & safety policy HD

  • Safety is at our hearts and we define safety as physical security, operational security, information security and emotional security – security is for all of us.
  • Safety is a source of operational efficiency, and we contribute to our employees having a high level of safety awareness.
  • We intend to become an accident-free company and we use a culture of continuous reform as a means to that end. We want to have a safe working environment and work placement, and with continuous improvement, we are constantly making our working environment better and safer.
  • We help each other build a culture of security and guide each other when things can be better. All employees should adopt the attitude of speaking out and raise awareness when things could be improved in security matters.
  • We work with contractors, partners, customers, and other stakeholders to create a safe working environment and we are united to ensure the safety of everyone involved in our projects. We respect other people's safety regulations, but if our rules go further, we always follow them and recommend that others do too – we never give a discount to our safety requirements.
  • We often work in hazardous areas, but we return home safely despite this, and although things may go wrong at a workplace where we carry out project risk assessments before they start.
  • We provide all the equipment necessary to ensure the safety of our employees. Staff are jointly responsible for using such equipment (helmets, safety glasses, safety shoes, markings, etc.) and ensuring that we all do.
  • General conduct is an important safety issue, when we leave a workplace we do in such a manner that we would like to come to the day after. This applies equally to workshop conduct and conduct in computer systems.
  • Our goal is to build an effective health & safety system where we inspect our workspaces and make visits to each other’s workspaces and help build and develop a strong safety culture.
  • Every employee has the right to return home safely. This applies every day to all work within the business, we do not want any harm or damage, physical or mentally to any of our employees.


Quality policy HD

  • We intend to be at the forefront in terms of quality issues and we know that better quality and no disadvantages mean less overall costs.
  • Quality contributes not just to our better operations but also to the better operation of our customers.
  • 100% quality and no disadvantages are one of the prerequisites for the business and we achieve that only by building a culture of continuous improvement.
  • We are cautious and do not undertake work that cannot be carried out professionally in the highest quality and safety standard. We guarantee to customers that all our work is in accordance with the highest quality standards. We analyze legal and other applicable requirements and ensure they are met.
  • We have no tolerance for half measures
    or unscrupulous work. We never do a job we're not proud of. Nothing leaves us unchecked, and we'll do the work again or use more time to fix what potentially goes wrong.
  • We place great emphasis on cultivating a quality culture among all employees and never discount quality. We build an active quality system where standardization is targeted and in continuous development.
  • With a culture of continuous improvement, we harness the ingenuity of all our employees and thus constantly find ways to deliver even better work.
  • We are committed to doing things right on the first attempt and never forward problems in our value chain. Quality applies not just to manufacturing or work site procedures, but to everything we do everywhere in the workforce.
  • All employees are responsible for quality issues, the preparation of quality objectives and quality standards. Excellent quality is available exclusively through the synchronized minds of the entire team.
  • Each team and each business unit within the operation has the goal of being flawless, thereby achieving efficiency that gives a competitive advantage.

ISO 9001 Quality control certificate
All sites work according to the same quality management system, but ISO 9001 certification applies only to establishments in Kópavogur, Mosfellsbær, Akureyri, and the services provided from there.

Equal pay policy

  • Ráðningar í laus störf skulu fara eftir sömu skilgreiningum sem og tækifæri starfsmanna á endurmenntun og símenntun.
  • Hvetja skal öll kyn til þess að sækja um störf sem eru auglýst.
  • Viðmið sem lögð eru til grundvallar launaákvörðun skulu ekki fela í sér kynjamismunun.
  • Gera skal nauðsynlegar ráðstafanir til þess að starfsmenn geti samræmt starfsskyldur og ábyrgð gagnvart fjölskyldu.
  • Koma skal í veg fyrir kynbundið ofbeldi, kynbundið áreiti og kynferðislegt áreiti með öllum ráðum.
  • Innleidd hefur verið jafnlaunavottun byggð á jafnlaunastaðlinum ÍST 85.
  • Fylgja öllum viðeigandi lögum, reglum og kjarasamningum sem gilda á hverjum tíma.
  • Komi fram óútskýrður munur á launum kynja skal leiðrétta þann mun hið fyrsta.
  • Jafnlaunastefna skal endurskoðuð árlega hið minnsta og stöðugt unnið að umbótum þar sem þess er þörf.

Sjálfbærnistefna HD

Stefna HD um sjálfbærni miðar að því að rekstur fyrirtækisins verði til fyrirmyndar í íslensku atvinnulífi út frá alþjóðlegum viðurkenndum viðmiðum um umhverfismál, félagslega þætti og stjórnarhætti (UFS). Sjálfbærnistefnan nær til allrar starfsemi HD og starfsfólk jafnt sem stjórn skal virða hana í öllum störfum sínum. Til að styðja við stefnuna hefur fyrirtækið valið 3 markmið af sautján markmiðum sameinuðu þjóðanna. Munu þessi markmið verða leiðarljós í sjálfbærnivegferð fyrirtækisins.

  • Heimsmarkmið 7- Sjálfbær orka 

    • HD sérhæfir sig í þjónustu við orkufyrirtæki sem miðar að því að fyrirtæki þurfi ekki að senda hluti erlendis í viðgerðir og minnkar þannig kolefnisspor sinna viðskiptavina.
    • HD er með samning við Klappir til að fylgjast með kolefnisspori sínu og nýtir græna orkugjafa eins og unnt er í sinni starfsemi.
    • HD hefur það markmið að auka notkun rafmagnsbíla i sinni starfsemi.
    • HD leggur áherslu á aðgengi að hleðslustöðvum fyrir starfsmenn og viðskiptavini við sínar starfsstöðvar
  • Heimsmarkmið 8 – Góð atvinna og hagvöxtur

    • Í samræmi við hlutverk HD sem er að þjónusta fyrirtæki í iðnaði, orkugeira og sjávarútvegi leggur fyrirtækið áherslu á tæknibreytingar og nýsköpun.

    • HD leggur metnað sinn í góðan og ábyrgan rekstur fyrirtækisins og forðast allra sóun í sinni starfsemi.

    • HD hvetur ungmenni án atvinnu til að gerast iðnnemar og þiggja fyrir það laun.

    • HD leggur mikla áherslu á réttindi starfsmanna á vinnumarkaði og skiptir eingöngu við viðurkenndar starfsmannaleigur sem uppfylla kröfur fyrirtækisins.

    • HD hefur verið duglegt að taka á móti starfsnemum og hugsa vel um þá og veita þeim tækifæri til starfsþróunar og hlotið viðurkenningu fyrir framlag sitt til móttöku iðnnema.

  • Heimsmarkmið 12 Ábyrg neysla og framleiðsla

    • HD aðstoðar fyrirtæki við að viðhalda búnaði, koma í veg fyrir óþarfa rekstrarstopp og stuðla þannig að skilvirkri nýtingu auðlinda.

    • HD leggur áherslu á umhverfisvæna meðferð efna og að meðhöndlun úrgangs og spilliefna sé í samræmi við alþjóðlegar kröfur.

    • HD leggur mikla áherslu á að gera starfsemi sína sjálfbærari þar sem þess er kostur með því að endurnýta þar sem unnt er í stað þess að ganga á nýjar auðlindir.

    • HD leggur metnað sinn í að skipta við fyrirtæki sem sína ábyrgð í sínum rekstri og viðskiptum.


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